This movie…Was amazing. I felt like I was five years old while watching it. The action was spectacular, the effects were beautiful, the characters were lovable and fun, the story was great, and it was funny! That was the thing people hated the most about Phantom Menace! So…where to begin? Well for starters I love Star Wars. All of them, prequels included (prequel haters can kiss my ass). My personal favorite is Empire Strikes Back and Luke Skywalker has been and always will be my hero. My personal favorite lightsaber design is K’kruhk’s and my color of choice is green.

As you can tell I’m beating around the bush a bunch. Well the movie is a thrill ride. It’s like JJ Abrams was a little kid trying to get in as much playtime as humanly possible before bed. It’s always exhilarating and fun. The acting is top notched whether it be from the newer actors like Daisy Ridley as Rey or Kohn Boyega as Finn and the old the older actors like Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford in there respective rolls. Kylo Ren is a fantastic villain with much turmoil going through him. He has a similar Sith look with the all black garb and mask. While that might be dull to some people I’ve always been fond of that kind of design. Unlike Vader though he doesn’t chock people when he’s mad he just slices up the wall with his lightsaber. And this is for those who still question the crossguard’s effectiveness or use.

The dog fighting scenes are fantastic and resemble some of the battle scenes like the Death Star Run in New Hope, the Battle Over Endor in Return of the Jedi, and the attack on the Trade Federation ship in Phantom Menace. I’ll admit I was quoting some of the older lines in the movie. The comedy is top notch with many, many funny lines. My personal favorite is when Han Solo is speaking with former employers and asks if he ever let them down. One side responds yes and the other says twice. Han immediately asks, “When was the second time?” Harrison Ford still brings his straight man humor and bonds well with Rey. Speaking of Rey, she is a badass. By the end of the movie she becomes a skilled force user and defeats Kylo Ren in their lightsaber duel. The nostalgia factor is high with returning characters, returning songs, and as I mentioned before the fight scenes. The movie is completely opened and if it ended five minutes earlier I would have cursed out the screen shouting, “NO! NO! YOU CAN’T END IT THERE!”
You don’t need to know everything to enjoy the movies, but for a good understanding I recommend at least seeing New Hope, Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi before seeing it If you are new to the franchise. I love the prequels, but others…don’t. Go see it. It was fun, funny, action packed, and well worth several more viewings.
Final Verdict – 10/10 Green Lightsabers