First up is undoubtedly the most famous short ever. We see marching footage that looks like it was in the home economics short. Now we meet, Mr. B Natural, the perky, loud, upbeat, music sprite. Mr. B is also evil, creepy, and a force ready to kill us all. Also a woman plays Mr. B. We see some kids being swell, but out character Buzz Turner is shy and stuff. I love how the bots ham up his dorkyness. Mr. B was hiding his locker. Jump cut to Buzz in his room speaking with the demon itself, Mr. B Natural. Mr. B is the furthest thing from Natural. Buzz gets awkward and says he can’t do anything so Mr. B tells him to shut the hell up. Then we hear different music as Mr. B dances around. Then we see Buzz talk to his parents about being a musician. Then at the music store we see how instruments are made. We see a montage of him playing and then we see him play the same two notes for a solid minute.

Dr. F puts it best. “The unexpected and unwanted squeal to the Amazing Colossal Man.” We see a car drive through some credits and then the drive freaks out. He flees out and begins to scream. The truck owner discusses the lost truck and it had lots of food on it. The cop is extremely unhelpful. We see the driver is comatose and they drive out to find where he was found. Then we see a blonde woman who wants to speak with the man who talked about the truck. By the way none of these characters were in the first film. The blonde woman looks like the fiancé from the last, but it might as well be the same character. She claims to be Glen’s brother, but in the first movie it was said that he had no family. It should have just been the fiancé character. The sister tries to talk to Miguel the truck driver kid and decides to stay until he makes noise. Later in the night he’s freaking out and he says something along the lines of big man. They manage to find Glen’s footprints. They go to the mountains and find parts of another truck. The sister and a major in the military go out looking for him. They find more remnants of trucks and they find Glen. He has his skull exposed and an eye is missing.

They plan to feed him drugged bread so they can capture him. Our heroes drive the truck and leap out as glen chases them. Glen immediately passes out and they bring him to the US. We get pinballed from company to company with various theme music. This is all paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaading. We see they have Glen tied down and they try to tie him down even more. Glen breaks free so they shoot at him more. You know when he endangers the life of hundreds and breaks a military base I think it’s time to put him down. You know If they want to hold him down get the dwarves to forge Gleipnir. They held Fenrir down till Ragnarök. So there’s more discussion of keeping Glen alive and apparently talking to the Red Cross is almost impossible. They try to measure his brainwaves or something. They show him pictures to try to and job his memory. Glen goes crazy when he sees his sister when she tries to jog his memory. They decide they’re going to leave him on an island. He manages to break one of the chains and he escapes. Also they somehow lose a 60 foot man again. A spot light stupidly misses Glen and I am convinced that EVERYONE is failing their spot checks. Glen picks up the bus full of kids. IS HE GONNA KILL ALL OF THEM!?

I appreciate the balls this movie has! Sadly no he puts it down safely when his sister. She tries to get to Glen one last time, but he walks off and grabs some power lines. He shocks himself to death and the movie goes to color for a minute. He then vanishes. The end.
In the prologue Joel and the Bots create Mexican food like Madison Avenue would. For the invention exchange the Mads make the Breakfast Bazooka, and Joel makes the Between-Meal Mortar. Dr. F’s is pretty cool. As a matter of fact they’re all really funny. Next skit is the Bots having the ultimate debate: Mr. B Natural…man or woman? Tom is on the stance of man and Crow is firm in his belief that Mr. B is actually a Ms. B Natural. I’m on the female side. This was a funny one. Middle skit is Joel and the Bots sing with the big head when Glen drops by. Once again Glen is actually funny. He talks about how he lost his role and how he has some weird signals, which turn out to be the Golden Girls. Second to last skit is KTLA predicting the future! I don’t get it. Last skit is Joel and the Bots partake of drugged bread and they read a letter for the Colorado Prison.
This movie sucks, but the episode is amazing! The jokes are almost always funny and the short is brilliant. I don’t think I’ve laughed so hard in a while. This was actually among the first episodes I’ve seen. This was probably the fourth I think. I highly recommend it. This episode was funny as hell. I highly recommend it.
Episode Rating – 10/10
Movie Rating – 2/10
Favorite Riff – All of Mr. B Natural (there really is to much to count), ‘Where’s my truck?!’ “Let me handle this. WHERES HIS TRUCK!?”, “Look theres a big turn with truck parts!”, “Glen this is the Lusitania. It has nothing to do with your life! It was just in the gift shop!”
Stinger – Mr. B Natural prances around like a happy king.
Possible Stinger – Mr. B shouting, “BLASPHEME!”
Episode – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-w2Q0UkkDM
Trailer – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4zftlf3OR0
Pretty! This was an extremely wonderful article.
Thanks for providing this information.