SANDY FRANK! SANDY FRANK! WE’VE GOT MORE SANDY FRANK (Meant to be sung)! So we open with the credits showing the Bacchus III. Then we see a narration about the last episode/movie. We have some character chatting and Joe talks to the Colonel they met last episode. Ken drops Rtia’s rank insignia and Tammy presses him on the topic. Ken withholds any info. The crew finds a black hole and they discuss the plan about avoiding it. Ken says they could possibly fly through the black hole. The Colonel figures out that Ken is a Star Raider and they get into a small fight. A meteor comes at them in a crappy effect of the ship and meteor not moving, but the stars do. Ken blows it up and Rocky throws the Colonel in the brig. Rocky doesn’t trust anyone. Then Rocky just passes out. They see a large star and they’re supposedly drifting. How the hell did they not find out? They’re stuck in the star’s gravitational pull and can’t escape. They somehow manage to fly away and they all begin to heat up. Everyone begins to freak out for heat exhaustion and space craziness. Ken, Joe, and the Colonel aren’t affected. Their engine blows out and we see they’ve spelt temperature wrong (Tenperture). The Colonel tells Ken that Demeter’s Star is about to explode, thus causing all the heat. Ken and the Colonel fix the engine and they blast away. Everyone wakes up and they’re fine. They try to land on the Colonel’s planets and they say he doesn’t exist. They get attacked and they fire back and kill the evil officers. They land on a remote and dangerous area called the Devil’s Desert. Joe tells Rocky to wait at the ship for him. Rocky denies that and shoots a tranquilizer at him. Rocky, Ken, the Colonel, Dan, and Billy go out in the desert while Tammy parks the ship. They come across a little fort and have to attack it. The Colonel supposedly sells them out, but when all the troops charge at them the Colonel shoots them down and wins their trust. The gang steals some enemy uniforms and they sneak into the enemy base. Ken leaps over an energy fence and they get over without dying. Okay now this is odd. Rocky says a line about how good it is to have a Star Wolf along for the trip. In the original show I think this might be common knowledge as this is around the 2/3 mark of the season, but I don’t think that was ever outright stated. Colonel and Joe know, but Rocky was always suspicious. Just chock that up to the bad continuity of turning a 25 episode show into two hour and a half movies. They get inside the base and plant several explosives. The anthem plays and the Colonel gets a strong sense of patriotism and tries to remove the bombs. He is shot dead. Actually it has every member of that race stand in a hypnotic attention. What if there was a fire or a super important surgery. That and the anthem is kind of long. So are they just screwed? Dan gets stuck behind and energy gate and they have to leave him behind. Ken however goes off to help him and they escape before the bombs go off. There was much rejoicing. Yaaaaay. As they land on a planet Ken sees someone who looks like his mother. The planet’s cops of whatever attack them and we see some pretty good laser effects. They just can’t hit jack shit. This lady is actually a fake who was sent to draw out Ken. A bunch of fights scenes later and the fake mom is caught by the gang. They gang decides that they’ll go with him. A fight breaks out between Halkon and Ken. Bacchus III crashes through the base and is undamaged. During the struggle not Mom dies. Ken steals a ship and chases after him. A battle ensues and after MUCH collateral damage Halkon is shot down. One of the shots is obviously a rip off of the Death Star trench. Halkon declares he cannot die, but he crashes into a building and explodes. Quote Tom, “This has to at least slow him down.” Now on the way back Ken admits he must go back to Valna Star and he thinks he can build a new world. This is a stupid ending. The ending should have been embracing his life as an earthling and decide to spend the rest of as a human! The end.
In the prologue Crow and Tom Servo have their weekly discussion on the nature of puppets and their symbiotic relationship to man. Kind of funny. For the invention exchange the Mads have big noses! Joel has a big head! Both aren’t that funny. Quote Dr. F “They’re just big noses!”. Quote the Bots, “It’s the big head!” Next up is Tom breaking down in the theater. It’s up to Joel and Crow to save him from certain death. We’re screwed. They bring him back to life. Joel and the Bots make a commercial for the Captain Joe action figure. This is pretty damn funny. Remember when Captain Joe won’t fight his problem just try to kill him with a forklift. The SOL crew performs their “Fugitive Alien Medley”. This is fantastic. Everyone shows off their vocal talents and forklifts are frequently mentioned. At the end the Bots consult Leonard Maltin’s movie guide for suggestions for the Mads. That’s good idea cause Temple of Doom has 2 stars, Blade runner got 1 & 1/2, Taxi Driver got 2, Highlander got 1 & 1/2, Escape from New York got 2, Caddyshack got 2, Animal House got 2, and as you can tell I don’t agree with Leonard Maltin most of the time and the MST3K crew shall rip him asunder for countless jokes!
This was much funnier than the last Fugitive Alien, but the film is equally bad or worse. The editing was awful, had next to no continuity, and scenes just started despite them being in a completely different location, and the ending annoyed me. It was funny, but once again the show was probably much better!
Episode Rating – 6/10
Movie Rating – 2/10
Favorite Riff – “”You know I love the whole incoherent Mighty Jack style.”, any variant of the Forklift song, “’ tried to help him.’ “But he chewed half his leg off!”
Stinger – “Captain! I’ve got the cooling unit fixed!” Then Ken passes out.
Episode – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UOZ1lMRX5GQ