Starting our movie we see it is brought to us by FVI. Original title is The Stranger. This time the credits are from Prisoners of the Lost Universe. This was originally made to be a TV movie, and released on other ways by way of FVI. Our movie starts with two people in a space shuttle IN SPACE! They talk about their ship having some sort of trouble, but they won’t be able to be rescued for another seven days. They joke about one of the men wanting to sleep with his new wife. They start to talk more, but then their ship hits turbulence in space and the ship goes flying. The screen gets blurry, but then we cut to a hospital. We see our hero Stryker asking for a room with a view and the newspaper. He’s been cut off for two weeks and the doctor gives some bullcrap explanation about not being emotionally well.

One of the men on the ship died and the other is not exposed yet. We see a two-way mirror that has two men spying on them. Stryker suspects that they’re Russian, but the doctor denies it. Stryker talks about talking in his sleep and dreaming about his life. Stryker is heavily suspicious when Boston is brought up. The Doctor and one of the observers talk about inspecting him and how suspicious he is. The observer is monitoring his dreams, but the doctor is just asking him. They’re trying to find out about the space program and personal things about him. Are they Russians?

Regardless Stryker escapes when one of the guys tries to give him an injection and he runs into men trying to hinder his escape. He hides in a science room that they don’t bother to check. He takes a doctor’s clothes and he scares away a nurse. The nurse tells on him, but he’s already escaped through a back door elevator. The guards shoot up the elevator, but he wasn’t in there. Stryker somehow escaped and he talks on the phone about a general in charge or Orlando’s space base. The person on the other end knows none of those things. He was also shot, but I forgot about it as quick as the movie did. He hitchhikes and asks the guy if he knows about Earth. The drive says no and a commercial break. Then we see out villain talking about Stryker to a boardroom meeting. They say he’s from another planet despite him looking and talking exactly like them. He is called a dangerous mental patient to the regular people and the doctor insists that he be caught alive. The villains though says the Perfect Order should kill him because one man can change the course of history. Space Commies! The villain thinks that the Doctor is going to betray the Perfect Order so he is had to take a rest. Back in the car they were apparently driving all night. On a humorous note everyone in this world is left-handed. Then the Space Commie anthem plays everyday. They give a quick announcement about who Stryker is on the radio so he gets out of the car. He goes to a bookstore where he asks for a book about the planet named Terra. He is given a history book and he finds that it’s only 35 years old. The old librarian laments about the older days, but he snaps back and says the current Perfect Order is good. The old librarian gives him a bed to rest in, but when he goes to nap the librarian calls the doctors on him. Stryker patches up his wound and the nurse who tattled on him. He tells her everything there is to know about him and she stays quiet. She says they’ll treat him like a honored guest when a makes a full recovery and he agrees to come back on the condition that he turn himself in to the hospital. He gets in the car and they drive for a while. They stop in the middle of the woods and he admits he lied so he could get away and into a car. The nurse puts on the car phone and the villain hears everything. A car drives by so Stryker distracts them by kissing her.

She slaps him then flees the car instead of trying to knock him out. He wants to go to the closest thing to a capitalist land, but the nearest thing is the hospital. She says they treat the mental patients, but when she brings up her brother she shuts up until he insists. He was essentially a freedom writer, but that’s considered insane. The nurse tuns off the phone because she changed her mind I guess. They drive more and we learn her name is Tina. The villain does a background check on her, but she gets a call. The villain admits to answering to someone and then we see a guy feeding pigs. Man the Perfect Order has an odd chain of command. No this is just some guy that Tina knows. The old guy jokes about pigs being spies and then we seeing the villain’s actual bosses. His boss butters him up, but then he brings up Stryker. They talk about catching him and that it shall be a permanent mark on his clean record.

There is talk of the two planets happening around at the same time and that they are parallel to the other planet. Then there’s watching security cameras. They are supposed to be friends of Tina, but they don’t have a camera in the old guy’s house. We learn that the Perfect Order outlawed religion and that the PO just showed up one day. The young people who apposed the PO are sent to Ward E and are vanished essentially. Then we see the villain go to Ward E to find the doctor. The doctor refuses to speak to the villain and he ignores everything he asks. We see a scar on his head that he was told by the nurse he was considered no further use so they completely lobotomized him.

Stryker talks to the old man about stealing a spaceship to escape the planet and return to Earth. Luckily the old man has all the books to run the ships, but he’s also a drug addict so he has a small withdrawal attack. He has a year left to live and became that way because of being in Ward E. Also Stryker and Ina are instantly in love. She drives off after the kiss and is captured by the villain to find out where Stryker is and they cut to another commercial. The old man gives Stryker a fake name of Alan Drake and says that he wasn’t registered yet. I’m surprised they haven’t recognized him yet considering that these are guards around a space station. They get to the station and the old guy ahs another withdrawal attack so he ahs to get another vial or else he’d be useless. He gets in his car so I guess that he needs to go all the way home, HE DOES! JESUS CHRIST! If he has to go all the way home why not bring some of the crap with you! The villains beat the crap out of Tina and they interrogated her. Maybe they raped her, but I’m not sure. Why are they talking when he has to shoot up, go back, and help Stryker go back to Earth! It’s almost like the plotline of him being a drug addict was worthless. Also Stryker standing out in the hall where people could easily identify him. Someone does so Stryker knocks him out and doesn’t steal his uniform. The old guy returns to the base as Tina follows him and informs to the villains, which leads to a commercial break. By the way I forgot to mention you could clearly see the commercial fades. Styker knocks out the astronaut and takes his uniform.

Also it sounds like Tina calls Stryker “Neo” despite his first name being Neil. The villain has thoughts if he fails so he confides in his buddy Henry to take over if they send him to Ward E. Tina and Stryker have a ‘heartfelt’ moment, but really it’s just padding and tension. Everyone uses Plymouth Furies apparently on Terra. Old man stupidly shouts “NEIL!” and knocks loudly when he sees the villain. Our hero runs down a boiler room with the villain in chase. Why doesn’t he move? He just sits around waiting to shoot people instead of running. The villain got shot in the arm and Stryker threatens to shoot a gas tank that would kill them all. He jumps off the building into an ocean as the area explodes wounding many and probably killing more. Apparently Tina was lobotomized maybe. The villain wants the corpse found and he drops the bracelet Stryker had. He wakes up on a beach and collapses in the sand. Then he gives us an ending narration when three guys find him. This seems like the start of a TV pilot. The end. Opening skit is Joel turning the bots into a shooting gallery. Not that funny. Both inventions are a variation of the Bang! Gun. Joel’s is an uzi, machete, and dynamite. The Mads is a harpoon gun, nunchuck, and plunger. Next skit is Tom and Crow arguing over there “Tropper’s TV Trading Cards”. Cards based on mediocre TV shows. Not that funny. Next skit is Tom making cookies, Crow had a nightmare about him and Joel wearing weird costumes, and they bring up Ward E from the movie. They give disgusting or odd thing to describe it. Not funny. Next skit is evil mastermind Joel and his hench-Bots planning to kill all of TVs famous detectives. I guess that was kind of funny. The maniacal laughing was fun. The last skit is Joel and Crow trying to sell Stranded in Space as a movie to Tom as a TV series. The Mads compare the similarities between mad science and show business. Not funny. Crow describes the movie as The Fugitive meets Logan’s Run. That is a way to describe it, but that would only work if it were actually a good movie. The movie is slow and boring. It has a good idea, but it’s paced so slowly and it seems too realistic. You could easily set this is Russia and all you’d have to do is give some accents. This seems too Earthly which I guess was the goal considering that it’s Earth’s parallel, but it just didn’t work. It’s hard to explain. The episode and skits aren’t all that funny. Very few lines give me chuckles and I only found the evil men sketch funny because of the evil laughs. The end of the movie had good riffs, but hey. Better late than never. I would not recommend it. It took me 5 episodes to find a bad episode. Great record.
Episode Rating – 3/10
Movie Rating – 3/10
Favorite Riff – “I smell a rat. A big, commie rat!” “Can I get some borsch Dr. Stalin?!”
Stinger – Stryker gets slapped.
It’s going to be ending of mine day, however before end I am reading this impressive post to increase my know-how.|
I could not stay away from commenting. Perfectly written!