Yet another FVI movie. Original title is Extra Terrestrial Visitors. This time they have Galaxy Invader playing in the beginning. The credits show a land version of the creature from the black lagoon killing people.

Starring Ian Sera. Shouldn’t the main man be an actor with balls (Reference to the director’s other film Pieces which I doubt many of you have seen)? Our movie starts with a meteor crashing into the Earth. Then the foggiest set since Slime People. We see some poachers get out of a car going to hunt bird eggs. One of them has a huge beard, mullet, and a crossbow. My kind of guy. Then we see a kid woken up by his cat and he looks out his telescope to see the crashing meteor. This movie seriously just jumped from the poachers to the kid. This movie has three intertwining stories. One of the poachers left to get a ladder and looks at the meteor. He goes inside and sees a bunch of eggs. For some reason he crushes them instead of bringing them back to his poacher buddies. Then he’s killed by an off screen alien. He left with the truck too so the other poachers think he betrayed them and they flee the scene. The off screen alien walks out and starts to wander the forest. Cut to poachers trying to hunt for deer to eat. The alien wanders through the fog and they don’t the truck. Correction. This movie is foggier than Slime People. Cut to a cabin where we see the kid from the telescope scene looking at a centipede while eating breakfast. He’s smart so he throws a scientific term and his uncle starts being an ass. Then the weirdest edit ever. He’s eating, then a recorder playing loud music. It just cuts. This is plot C. A music group doing music stuff and the interworking of their relationship. Then they cut back to a panning shot of the forest. The guys try to hunt again, but they stop when they see rangers. Then an immediate cut back to the music. This movie has the weirdest editing. Also we hear the great song “Hear the Engines Roll Now”. We also see the greatest extra ever. A guy with a stupid haircut and a shirt that says, “I’m a Virgin”. Is it wrong I want that shirt so bad? The song goes on for a bit until it ends. When asked what he thinks our lead singer says, “It stinks!” while giving the okay sign.

Also I think dubbers from Rats are in the movie. The fem singers, the music manager, lead singer, and valley girl go camping. Then the blonde guy also working the sound and I’m a Virgin guy are never seen again. The real heroes of the movie. They decided not to be in it. Then we see the kid for a second and immediately cut back to the lead singer chatting with his girlfriend who shall be called Red. Music man and Blue 1 is a couple, and Blue 2 was hitting on blonde guy. Valley girl wants to take the lead singer Rick. I love how they sensor all the cursing by just taking out the dialog. “What got into that ___” Insert the obvious curse. It around curses like mad so there’s a lot of just silenced dialog. Also this movie is so not appropriate for kids despite being an ET rip off. There’s frequent talk off sleeping with each other and there’s the line, “Who can compete with boobs like that!” They all make up and get on the road. We see the kid wander the woods and here the running gag. They list of random names, but always end with Tom saying “Chief!?” and Crow saying “McCloud!?” Then we see the people driving in their RV through the woods with crappy music. This movie is very unfocused. Hopefully they won’t run into Nazi bikers. We could fit in another eighteen sub plots. Then we see the kid walk into the meteor and he takes the last egg that wasn’t destroyed. He sees the dead poacher with white dots on his forehead and then runs off. Back to the camper of rock where they collect firewood. The Valley girl tries to seduce Rick, but he tries to resist her advances. A bush shakes. Cut to the kid for a second, and then back to the camper of rock. They’re eating food and drinking coffee by the fire. The Boy Scout way. Everyone acting likes a ___ to the valley girl and after being a jerk herself she splashes coffee on her. She runs into the woods and she’s almost captured by one of the poachers. For some reason. I guess they want some sex. She falls down a cliff why fleeing after seeing the alien. The alien taps her forehead and I guess she’s dead. The two poachers run away and into the woods. They drive off to the woods and we see the kid going to sleep with the egg in his bed with him. So some damn reason, Wait a sec…This is the same room from Pieces! The RV stops and they see the cabin of our little kid. It’s apparently the middle of the night despite it being day outside. They are let in and we see the phone isn’t working. The phone not working, the fact that its supposedly night, fog is all over the damn forest, the roads are blocked, and there’s a killer alien and poachers around. This sounds like a horror film. The kid gets into bed to see the alien hatch and make a mess all over his bed. Cut back to the poachers and they’re drinking by the fire. They hear the alien and we finally get a good look at the alien. It’s…no not tiny Snuffaluffagus, but close. Actually the movie describes it best. A cross between a pig and a bear. Needles to say it looks cool. They try to get it closer so they can catch it. They get a net around it, but it escapes easily due to its strength. Then crossbow man shoots it and runs off. The little kid (Tommy) gives milk and cereal to the tiny version of the alien, which he is calling Trumpy. Okay during the cutaway Trumpy grows to adult size. Also Valley Girl died and has tiny white dots on her head.

Then we see Trumpy petting the kitty and talking about how he wants to eat the little potatoes in (Crow doing a voice for Trumpy and the potatoes are the animals in the kids room). A Robot toy turns on and makes noise so Trumpy blows it up! Hey! It just wanted the Golden Ninja Warrior back! I’m having a blast with this review! More scenes of Trumpy and Tommy having fun.

Trumpy and Tommy play with a puzzle and a Simon Says toy. Then Trumpy makes space music with the Simon Says. Trumpy and Tommy keep playing with things. Apparently the aliens came from Orion’s Belt. Trumpy makes the telescope see Africa. Then Trumpy does magic things by turning lights on and off, having this move around in stop motion and makes things defy gravity. This scene is a lot of fun. Then Trumpy ends up on the ceiling then teleports back on the ground.

Music guy and the Uncle drive off to the ranger’s cabin. One of the girls says if she doesn’t act perky she’ll be in hysterics. Hell that’ll explain my jokey attitude in most situations. Trumpy goes missing and we cut back to the Music Guy and Uncle. They get to the cabin where they find the crossbow poacher dead with the same white dots. “His last words were, hazza.” Then the alien shows up and kills the music guy. Well Plot A is wrapped up. The poachers are all dead! Oh yeah the other one was killed back at the campsite a few scenes ago. Back at the house the mom and Blue 1 or 2 chats for a bit. Rick walks into the scene and once again tries to call for help, but it fails. Blue 1 or 2 goes to the RV to get some makeup to hit on possible rangers. Then we see her getting killed by one of the aliens. Maybe Trumpy. I get it. Sometimes we just need to blow off some steam. I watch the last episode of Berserk, Trumpy kills people. Except it most certainly doesn’t look like it judging by the van movements. Uncle returns and shoots at the alien in the fog. Tommy runs off in the woods to find Trumpy. The people argue for a bit, but it amounts to “We should leave!” “No we shouldn’t”. Then the Uncle and Rick talk over drinks. Rick gets pissed at the Uncle and he shoots a bottle of booze. You know what I can’t blame him. Several people are now dead, there’s an unknown creature roaming about, and this older jackass is insulting him. Tommy returns home and is sent to his room. The two girls wake up and one of them is skeptical of the bullets being fired. Lady! Several of your friends are dead, there’s a wild animal, and poachers used to be in the forest! You should always believe in bullets!” One of them goes to take a shower and we see Trumpy has magically teleported into the room. Almost as if he never left. “You’re naughty! Very naughty!” That’s all he has to say. Apparently the mother killed the girl so I guess they do have quantum teleportation. Tommy plans to run away with Trumpy so he goes to get a coat. The scenery of this movie is very chilling. Something about the woods and lots of fog makes the forest look very, very unnerving. Also a girl is wearing a towel on her hair in the shower. Why? Tommy dresses Trumpy up as a Jawa with a trump (It’s just a coat). Then the alien teleports into the bathroom and kills her. Then it flees out another door! Tommy tries to leave with Trumpy. Uncle and Rick grab rifles and they go out hunting for the alien. Then Trumpy shows up and Tommy defends him. They flee out the door and everyone is now in pursuit of someone. Trumpy and the mother meet up and silently speak. Tommy pulls out the broken crossbow bullet as Rick and the Uncle show up. The uncle shoots at them almost hitting Tommy so the mother kills the Uncle and Rick immediately kills the mother. Then she buries herself in one last great effect. Then to save Trumpy Tommy tells Trumpy to leave. When he doesn’t want to Tommy tells Trumpy he hates him and that they aren’t friends anymore. Wow! The four meet up and go back to the cabin. Trumpy is then left alone in the woods without a friend in sight as the camera pans out and he is lost in the fog! This is a sad ending! The credit footage is from the movie Alien Factor. Opening skit is Crow doing his one Robot Show, “Robot on the Run” as Tom does the opening to his own show. A little funny. Invention exchange is a guitar that blows up in your face for Joel. The Mads is the royalty-free Public Domain Karaoke Machine. I love it! I’ll take three! No really! It’s really funny! They introduce the movie with Ave Maria. Quote Dr. F – “It has nothing to do with Pods. It has nothing to do with People. But it has everything to do with hurting!” Next skit is a gem! It’s Joel and the bots (including Gypsy) singing a parody of the song “Hear the Engines Roll Now”, but every line the sing a random possible title. My personal favorite is Idiot Control Now. We also see Dr. F being the music supervisor and Frank is wearing the I’m a Virgin shirt! Someone get me that shirt! Fantastic song and Joel ends by giving the Okay sign and responding, “It stinks!” The next skit is Joel and the bots playing on a wall of keyboards and they make new age music. Then Tom narrates it. This is pretty funny. Next skit is also a gem. They play around on the satellite doing similar weird stuff like in the Trumpy does magic things part of the movie. Dr. F and Frank look on in shock and confusion. We also get to see Crows legs for the first time. Last skit is Joel singing the song “Clown in the Sky”. This one…is perfect to end the episode. It has a nice soothing melody and funny sounding lyrics, but it’s not meant to be funny. It’s meant to be soothing and depressing like the end of the movie… Well Dr. F and Frank end it perfectly. The okay sign and saying “It stinks”.This…Is one of the best. This is easily one of the best episodes in the entire series. Its funny from start to finish, all the skits are well done, the jokes are quick and not far between, and the movie itself is so riffable. Even said I have a slight fondness for this movie. IT originally started as a killer alien film, but producer interference wanted it to capitalize on the success of ET so they added the cutsey alien and kid scenes. The director Juan Piquer Simon has admitted his distaste for the film and I can see why. I made horror films that are pretty gory, but he wasn’t allowed to do that in his own film. Take out the kid scenes and at more blood and I think he’d like it a lot more. I’ll admit the acting has it’s problems and the editing is odd simply because those scenes where just thrown in there. Even then it has this soothing and simultaneously chilling factor to it. The effects are good, the song is pretty catchy, and the foggy, dark woods are always eerie matching the horror film scenes perfectly and making the kid scenes somewhat better because it’s a break from the eeriness of the outside world. Well enough getting mushy on your all. I highly recommend it. This is one of the episodes I highly recommend to viewers new and old alike.
Episode Rating – 10/10
Movie Rating – 7/10
Favorite Riff – ‘Trumpy you can co magic things!’ “It’s called evil kid.” Or “Trumpy you can do stupid things!” Or ‘You know what playing is right?’ “Yes it’s when I break you in half!”
Stinger – “It stinks!”
Alternate Stinger – Valley girl -“He’s really good!” I’m a Virgin -“Good? He’s the best!”
Episode – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sCl2ZNkfnS8
Trailer – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uMrRqNXTJS8