First up is a short about college! In color! We see a girl and a narration talking about how people were doing their regular routine. Then there’s an assembly for the girls only. Is this a sex short? Can they show this on TV? An old lady whom talks about someone who took a course in home economics teaches it. Then there’s a girl who took home economics for decorating. That’s the whole assembly. All about women who took home economics and are now successful or domesticated. Our girl suddenly gets interested in home economics and how it would be worth a lot to go to college. All the while I’d like to imagine that a bunch of the other girls are studying to become doctors or something. Actually something that hasn’t changed is that college dorms look like jail cells. Nothing a few posters can’t fix. They study things like house hold stuff, food, clothes, decorating, and mending. This…shot of the band playing at the football field looks like it was used in a later short we’ll see in two episodes. The girls discuss their plans and our girl decides she wants to teach. Wait…It started out as a domestication and house thing, but now it goes into teaching. Be more focused! Then just a bunch of footage of the girls doing things relating to their jobs. Then a whole course/group on home making. Also there are only like six or seven seniors in the year. They graduate and the end.
The full title of this movie is The Saga of the Viking Women and Their Voyage to the Waters of the Great Sea Serpent. Talk about a mouth full. Directed by Roger Corman. I actually find it funny that his credit is usually the last one to appear. A narration talks about the gods and the Vikings. This movie shows Corman’s signature of strong women. They see a cloud of a sailing ship and they decide to go searching for the Vikings. Also they vote by throwing their spears at a tree. What if they miss? Do they lose their vote or dot hey get to throw again.

Their ‘dark priestess’ votes to go and it surprises them. There’s small talk about dudes and then we see a montage of shipbuilding. It doesn’t not look as cool as they Argo though. We see the lone male snuck onto the ship and for some reason that’s bad I guess. He’s sexist and I guess that’s why no one likes him. He’s also being loud. The girls say they see a Sea Serpent, but it’s actually just a whale. Honestly mistake I guess.

Then the dark priest lady drops the sail on someone. Why the hell? What did that accomplish? Then a shark comes at one of the girls when she jumps out to check a piece of driftwood. Then the Sea Serpent shows up. Didn’t take all that long. Quote Joel, “This is pretty exuberant for Roger Corman.”

The ship gets truck by lightning and everyone goes flying. They land on the shores on an island of men. Then they’re just led to their leader. Also this one guy is obsessed with whipping people. Like the SOL crew I’m convinced that he’s off script. Also BRONSON CAVE! We meet their king and his furry hat. He confirms the Vikings survived and now we meet his son Senja. He’s also spoiled and annoying. He just slaps one of the girls. They then go on the boar hunt with the warriors. They use similar dog footage from Teenage Caveman. Halfway through the hunt we see that our male has fled back. Also Senja hits himself in the head and gets attacked by the boar. The boar is just a regular pig with horns attached to it. Senja has the funniest line readings. And now it’s party time! Senja challenges the women to arm wrestling and I don’t know if he’s actually strong of she let him win. This time It’s confirmed that it is the second. Then the king claims they are now his slaves. The man is brought to the party hall and he attacks and attempts to escape. He puts up a damn good fight too. They are brought to the set of Teenage Caveman and we see a skull and the Viking men reduced to slaves. The male is made a slave and the girls are locked in a room. They say a window is to small to fit through and bullcrap! I could fit through that. The black haired dark priest girl escapes in a struggle. The men escape and begin to fight the guards. The stupid waffles joke gets into the episode and it’s getting very annoying. They are all recaptured and are forced to do a test. The black haired girl betrays them and informed the people of the Viking’s attempt. She attempts to seduce him and she gets a ring to sleep with one of the beefy blonde Vikings. She tries to convince him to flee with him. He declines the offer so she storms off and tells the two Vikings should die. The blonde beefcake and the lead lady are two die. Senja sets them fire.

Also the blonde beefcake cannot act. The black haired priest lady declares that his gods are false. Rain comes down, puts out the fired, and lightning kills Senja. Their king sucks at combat and his sword is so bad he cannot cut through a stick. The king holds a funeral for his son and burns a lady for him to have in the afterlife. This movie seems like it was filmed right beside Teenage Caveman. Black haired priest is leaving signs for the men and dogs to follow her to get them away from the main gang. The gang flees into the water and dies to the serpent’s massive fangs! Just kidding. Our male hero stays behind to hold back the soldiers I guess. The villains give chase and our male hero somehow gets back to the gang. The Sea Serpent loses interest in the Vikings for some reason so blonde beefcake throws a dagger in its head. The serpent grows angry and kills our villains. Now they are several days away from shore and have to paddle the WHOLE WAY BACK! They make it back and there was much rejoicing. The end.
In the prologue Joel tries to convince the Bots of all his wonderful recipes of waffles. The prologue itself is kind of funny. I like waffles, but I’m more of a pancake guy. Next up for the invention exchange The Mads have made the Meat Re-Animator, which brings a dead chicken back to life. Joel makes an iron that turns waffles into pancakes. What’s with all the waffles!? Sick of waffle talk yet? Yes? Well too bad! Joel re-programs the Bots into his waffle obsession. There’s much crazy talk. Ugh. Next skit is super complex and has a lot of depth. Joel walks on and says, “Waffles.” That’s it. There is a hilarious blooper where when comes out and just says pancakes instead of waffles. That alone is pretty hilarious. Also it’s the shortest skit in the shows history. This joke will not make sense. Tom says he has had too much waffles. He declares that waffles should just vanish. Willy the Waffle presents the ideas of a waffle-free world after Servo eats one too many. This is kinda funny, but tis a reference to a short that won’t be done for another seven seasons! Last skit is the stupid waffle song and Dr. F tells them to shut the hell up about waffles. Thank you.
This was a very funny episode joke wise, but goddamn it the stupid waffle jokes sucked! All the skits about waffles were annoying as hell and tha tone skit where he just said waffles had no purpose! I get it that sometimes you just can’t write a jokes for an episode (speaking from experience about the Women of the Prehistoric Planet review) , but this was just annoying. The funniest part about the skits was Frank fighting the chicken in the background at the end of the invention exchange and the blooper! Watch the episode skip the skits.
Episode Rating – 8/10
Movie Rating – 4/10
Favorite Riff – “Look at that. Corman got his shot, catered the crew, and got a costume for Teenage Caveman all in one go.” & “Man this short about home economics has taken a weird turn somewhere along the line.”
Stinger – “But you don’t understand! I’M A PRINCE!”
Possible Stinger – Senja getting struck by lightning